Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 5 2023/24 11 October 2023

This Friday John Holt ARPS, DPAGB, BPE5* presents his talk “Alternative Images” This is a new talk that John has put together and we are the first club to have this presentation.

On Friday 20 October, Jeanette London, https://www.jetblacksquares.com presents “More than just a Camera on a Phone” via Zoom. Club members will only be able to join this event in the club room although visitors are welcome to join the talk via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/more-than-just-a-camera-on-a-phone-talk-by-jeanette-london-tickets-734141536097?aff=oddtdtcreator 

Jeanette says, I always ask that people have their phones in front of them during the talk as I screen-share my phone so you can follow along with regard setting up the camera (to get the best out of it), how to control exposure, etc. It’s suitable for both iPhone and android, even though I ‘demonstrate’ on an iPhone.”

There will be a mobile phone photo competition later in the season so this talk is well worth attending.

Looking a little further ahead, Friday 27 October is the hand in night for the 1st Merit Print competition. You can enter up to 3 prints in each of the colour and mono sections of your group. You also need to submit digital images of your prints to enable Calvin to add winning images to the website. You can find competition rules and a link to the online entry system https://wrekinartspc.com/competition-links-organisations-and-club-guides 

Steve has offered to arrange a visit to a local dairy farm near to his house. Milking times are 5am to 8am and 2.30pm to 5pm. There are other photo opportunities around the farm besides the milking parlour  He says there will be a chance to take sunrise photos if you choose the early session! If you’re interested please let Steve know familyrex@btinternet.com with preferred day and time.