This Friday Rob Ings judges the Natural History Print and PDI competitions.
On Friday 26 May we have the 2nd Portrait Night. The first night was successful and those attending came away with a decent selection of images for future competitions. it would be nice to see a few more people on 26 May. If you attend please bring along props and other accessories as well as your camera
Friday 26 May is also the hand in night for the 3rd Merit PDI competition when you can enter up to 4 images in your particular class. Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/d2 will judge the competition on Friday 2 June.
Finally, Wellington Midsummer Fayre takes place on Saturday 10 June in All Saints Church Grounds and The Square. The club will have their usual stall and help is required to transport and erect the Gazebo, display boards and prints. We will also need people during the day to talk about the prints and recruit more members during the day. We will also needs your prints to display. Please indicate if you wish to sell any of your prints. The club will take a small commission from any sales.