After the Jubilee Weekend, the club talks continue this Friday 10 June when Mike Martin EFAIP, AWPF presents his online talk “Stairway to Heaven” at 7.30pm. Mike says, "This talk draws upon over 100 images collected over several decades, portraying steps, stairs, escalators, etc. Through these I’ll try to show the benefit of pursuing ‘projects’ and challenge yourselves to make the mundane, interesting. However, no talk of mine would be complete without a few people and a bit of creativity.”
Visitors are welcomed to join this talk through Eventbrite for £3.50
Friday 10 June is also the hand in night for the 4th Merit PDI competition. Rules and a link to the entry system can be found at
On Friday 17 June the 4th Merit PDI competition is judged online by Lloyd Moore DPAGB, BPE4*, AFIAP at 7.30pm
Finally, The Societies has a free roadshow at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, B92 0EJ on Thursday 30 June from 9.30am to 3.30pm where you can catch up with the latest products and services from the trade and gain education from a series of talks. You can get details of the talks and exhibitors from the second link in this paragraph.