Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 17 2018/19 23 April 2019

This Friday, Tony Broom from Tettenhall Wood Photographic Club judges the 3rd Merit Print Competition.

Friday 26 April is also the hand in night for the Natural History Competition. You can enter up to 3 images in each of the print and pdi sections. Please remember that all work must be new and not have been entered into any previous club competition. If you need to refresh your memory about the rules you can find them on this link http://wrekinartspc.com/competition-links-organisations-and-club-guides where you can also find the online entry system.

On Friday 3 May, Ian Whiston DPAGB, EFIAP, ABPE from Crewe Photographic Society will judge the Natural History Competition.

At the MCPF Print and PDI championships held on 13 April Wrekin Arts came 3rd in the PDI section and will represent the MCPF at the PAGB Championship at Warwick on the 11 July. Roger Evans won a medal for the best PDI with “On Her Shoulder” Congratulations to Roger. The club came 6th in the Print Championship and will represent the MCPF in the PAGB Print Competition as a result of their position in last year’s PAGB competition. The Print Competition will be held at Blackburn in October Full results of the MCPF Print and PDI championships can be seen here https://www.mcpf.co.uk/print-and-pdi-championships/ 

Wellington Town Council is holding an Arts Festival from 4 to 14 May http://wellingtonartsfest.co.uk/events/ Most of the events are free but you still need to book by clicking on each event and following the link. This is to ensure that the capacity for each event is not exceeded.

Finally, the club will have a stall at Wellington Midsummer Fayre http://www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk/event/midsummer-fayre-2/  on Saturday 8 June. This is an annual event for the club where we put on a print exhibition in Wellington Churchyard Tony is looking for helpers to erect the gazebo and set up the exhibition. if you want to display prints then bring them to the club a couple of weeks before the event. If you want to sell anything then the club will retain 20% of the selling price as commission.