“I joined my first camera club in 2009. Although I have travelled for work for 35 years around the world I did not document it through photography until I joined a camera club.”
“The talk is the photography I have done on my trips around the world for work and Vacations over the past 10 years. So images that have been taken in a more opportunist situation not planned on photo tours which gives a little different angle. My main interests while travelling are Street photography, Cityscapes, Landscapes it covers around 15 countries and 30 locations. I am mainly known for my portraiture and some images are of when I have had the chance to include models at the location around Europe.”
Visitors welcome. Cost is £3.50 for non-members. Tickets will be available HERE (Click link) from Saturday 10/4/21.
If any problems with purchasing tickets contact - WAPCEVENTS@GMAIL.COM