’Africa - A walk on the wild side’ - A talk by Russell & Audrey Price
A welcome back to former members Russell & Audrey.
You can expect some stunning pictures of African wildlife ranging from the ‘Big five’ through to birds and landscapes.
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A welcome back to former members Russell & Audrey.
You can expect some stunning pictures of African wildlife ranging from the ‘Big five’ through to birds and landscapes.
Welcome back to Mike.
Another talk by Mike in which we will see his prints.
My Close-up and Macro Photography talk covers the equipment required, techniques, issues that arise – and how to solve them, and lighting for macro.
Visitors welcome. Tickets £4.00 via Eventbrite from 18/1/25 HERE
The evening comprises of both colour and monochrome prints. There are various genres including travel, street, portraiture, architecture and documentary. There are a lot of panels on various subjects.
As photographers we often wish we were in some exotic location with the best possible equipment. In this talk, I detail my fight with locational Myopia and ways to overcome it as well as a personal journey to become a landscape photographer.
Visitors welcome. Tickets £4.00 via Eventbrite from 7/2/25 HERE
This presentation is to inspire members to release stress to be their self and have courage to show their images , Every picture tell a story and doesn't have to be perfect .
Visitors welcome. Tickets £4.00 via Eventbrite from 22/2/25 HERE
Guide and advice on producing Tryptychs and Panels with examples.
My passion is to create beautiful images.
Entrants allowed to enter up to 3 prints in each Category (Mono & Colour).
Judy will be giving us a talk on Photographing People and give us some insights and guidance on how to take successful images of people. Judy will show us the different styles of this genre including, street, candid, studio and portraiture
Specific rules apply to these two genres. See rules HERE
Landscape - PDIs up to 3 images per entrant
Nature - PRINTS up to 3 per entrant.
All entries must have been taken with a digital mobile device e.g. Phone or tablet, not a Digital Camera.
Former members and Club Chairman, Jon & Sue Baker will look back at some of their Prints and share their stories.
See their youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@fourfeetfromtelford/featured
Up to 3 panels per entrant and 3 Triptychs per entrant.
Max 3 images per entrant.
Max 3 entries in each category (Mono & Colour)
Answering all the what and how questions, I go through sourcing and creating textures , how to use blend modes and then 3 different methods of how to apply textures to an image.
With a 'hands on - how to' 2nd half.
Visitors welcome. Tickets £4.00 via Eventbrite from 3/1/25 HERE
Up to 3 images per entrant allowed
xmas break - no meeting
Bring some drinks / nibbles and your dancing shoes.
A talk on creativity, looking at ways in which you can develop your own 'voice' in what can seem like a crowded photography world.
My style in photography is quite distinctive and i will talk through my successful Frps travel panel which was gained through trips to Romania right through to the process of my printed work.
Norman will show the images accepted and awarded in the 2024 Shrewsbury BPE competition.
How to use the Club PC/PRINTER and MOUNT CUTTER.
A passionate traveller and lover of the natural world, Sarah is known for her authentic and faithful style of photography.
My talk is about the capture and creation of mood and atmosphere in landscapes, focusing mainly on what we can do in camera. So I’ll talk about weather conditions, light, using filters, planning etc and the impact a photo has on our mood.
Visitors welcome. Tickets £4.00 via Eventbrite HERE
3 Prints allowed per person in both Mono and Colour
First half of the talk is prints and second half looking at Affinity publisher which is what I have used for editing my books.
‘Environmental Nude’ photography talk
Van gained a Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society in 1991 with an applied panel of mountain pictures and many of his images were accepted, some awarded, in international salons of photography.
This is an opportunity to learn how to work with a professional model and lighting options, in the Clubroom.
Up to 3 images per entrant allowed.
An opportunity for you to bring photographic kit and accessories that you no longer want, for possible purchase by another club member.
Members are requested to provide PRINTS for displays, especially all prints that gained any award in a competition during last year … labelled PLEASE!
Prints can be handed to Norman and/or at the clubroom on 6th and 9th September.
A workshop on various basic aspects of Photoshop
“An avid monochrome worker, I enjoy the simplicity that the black and white image affords. I believe that by removing colour, the focus is shifted, distractions are minimized viewers impressions are altered. My goal, wherever possible, is to create drama, mood and narrative power.”
Please provide some prints to exhibit.
Please bring prints for display/sale.
Help to set up the room for the Fair on the following day.
Max 3 prints per section.
We would welcome anyone who can help set up in the morning and clear away in the afternoon.
Up to 3 images per person.
Details of talk to be arranged
I will show some before and after images. I will discuss how I got them, what my thought process was and some of the stories that entailed taken the images .