Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 11 2024/25 4 February 2025

This Friday  Derek Gale https://galephotography.co.uk/about-me/ presents his Zoom talk at the club “Close-up and Macro Photography” Derek has been a photographer for many years in both the film and digital eras. He says, “My Close-up and Macro Photography talk covers the equipment required, techniques and lighting for macro. I also talk about the issues that may arise including ways to solve them.

Visitors are able to join this talk via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/close-up-and-macro-photography-with-derek-gale-tickets-1140949062359?aff=oddtdtcreator 

On Friday 14 February, Colin Trow-Paul FRPS, FIPF, MPAGB https://www.colintrowpoole.com presents a Print Talk in the club room. The evening comprises of both colour and monochrome prints. There will be various genres on display including travel, street, portraiture, architecture and documentary. There are also lot of panels on various subjects. Maybe get some ideas for our Panel Competition in May.

The Eighth Master of Print Exhibition http://thepagb.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/mastersofprint_exhibition.pdf opens at St Martin in the Bull Ring, Edgbaston Street,  Birmingham B5 5BB at 2pm on Saturday 8 February at 2pm and then until 1 March 2025. 

Also this weekend “The Classic Dirt Bike Show” is at Telford International Centre https://www.classicbikeshows.com/telford/ .

Finally, the winners of The Sony World Photography national and regional awards have been announced today chosen from among entrants in 56 countries https://www.worldphoto.org/sony-world-photography-awards/winners-galleries/2025/national-awards/winners/2025