Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 20 2022/23 20 June 2023

This Friday, Alan Lees will present his talk “My Journey into Digital Photography.”

Alan, who is one of our long standing members, will present images from when he first acquired a Nikon D70 in 2006 to recent photographs using a Canon R6. Images will be predominantly of Nature and Landscapes, taken in UK and abroad, and will include stories of weird and wonderful visits to unusual places. Sounds an intriguing talk. One not be be missed.

Friday 23 June is also the hand in night for the 3rd Merit Print competition. You can enter up to 4 prints in each of the Colour and Monochrome sections of your group. Rules and a link to the online entry system can be found at https://wrekinartspc.com/competition-links-organisations-and-club-guides Please submit an online image to our system for each entry.

Judging of the 3rd Merit Print Competition is on 30 June.

There are 2 more competitions in quick succession.

The PDI Final is on 7 July so the hand in night will be 30 June.

This is followed by the Print Finals on 14 July when you can enter up to 4 images in each of the colour and monochrome sections of your particular group. Hand in night for this competition is 7 July. Please submit an online image to our system for each entry.

Just to clarify, hand in nights for the 3 competitions are 23 June, 30 June and 7 July.

Finally the AGM and Presentation Evening will be Friday 28 July. If you would like to contribute to the running of the club the committee would love you to join them. Nomination forms will be in the club room soon.
