This Friday there’s a change to the advertised programme as Graham Walton is unable to attend. Club members, Janet and Ian Griffiths will give their talk “Mostly Yellowstone” which contains images not just of Yellowstone National Park but also Glacier and Grand Teton National Parks. As Janet says, “ Ian will do the talking, so there’s plenty of wit and repartee. My role will be to tell him where he’s going wrong!” Come and support Janet and Ian in their first joint talk at Wrekin Arts. It should be an interesting evening.
In the learner hour starting at 6.45pm Calvin will give Lightroom and Photoshop hints and tips as well as answering questions from the group
This Friday is also the hand in night for the 3rd Merit PDI competition. please submit entries using the online system. A link to the entry system and competition rules can be found at
On Friday 2 March Warren Alani ARPS, DPAGB, AFIAP will judge the 3rd Merit PDI competition.
The Leaner Hour will be the same format as for 23 February.
It’s time now to think about the Panel competition as the hand in night is Friday 9 March. This competition is for a panel of related prints, consisting of 3, 4 or 5 prints which can be displayed on one or more mounts. Whilst prints can be any size the maximum mount size is 20”x 16”. Entrants will also need to include a display plan for this competition. You can enter up to 3 separate panels but please number Panels 1 to 3 so if there are too many entries then the third panel will be dropped. More details can be found in the link shown earlier in the Newsletter.
The Photography Show is at the NEC again this year from 17 - 20 March. Tickets are available from £10.95 for over 60’s. PAGB have a discount code for the show - PAGBTPS18 - but this only appears to work on full price adult tickets. There’s lots of live demonstrations and masterclasses at the show and most exhibitors have discounts on standard high street prices.
Finally, Irene is running “Photoshop My Way” at the clubroom on Sunday 22 April. As ever, the workshop is proving very popular, and only a few tickets remain. To book your place please contact Irene as soon as possible.