Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 8 2018/18 4 December 2018

This week we welcome Claire Carter http://www.carterart.co.uk/home to the club for the first time with her lecture “Perpetually in Motion.” Claire is a professional Landscape Photographer from Cleobury Mortimer here in Shropshire. 

Friday is also the hand in night for the 2nd PDI competition. Please go to this page http://wrekinartspc.com/competition-links-organisations-and-club-guides/ to find the rules of the competition and a guide and link to the online entry system.

On Friday 14 December Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/p from Smethwick PS will judge the 2nd Merit PDI competition.

Our Christmas Party Night is on Friday 21 December. This is the last event of 2018 and club members are invited to bring their partners and enjoy the buffet and good conversation. The season restarts on Friday 4 January with “An evening with Paul Keene FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP/d3, MFIAP

Finally, It’s time to start thinking about your entries for Midphot (the annual exhibition of Midlands Photography.) The online system will be open for entries between 31 December 2018 and 8 February 2019. You will make entries as an individual but all prints must be submitted via the club. Please make sure you read the rules https://www.mcpf.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/midphot-rules-2019.pdf as there are some changes to the nature section and the size of pdi images.