Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter Number 6 2018/19

This Friday, Graham Walton DPAGB, judges the first merit print competition. The learner session, starting at 6.45pm, will be a critique evening. Please bring your images on a memory stick.

On Friday 16 November our own Calvin Downes EFIAP/b, BPE2* will present his talk “East to West and In Between” when Calvin will tell us where, how and why each image was taken. There won’t be a learner session this week.

The Bebington Salon is open for entries until 14 November. Full rules and an entry form can be found at www.bebingtonps.org.uk If your images get accepted then there’s a chance you’ll see them at the club next March when Bob Denis will show the Salon exhibition.

The club did really well in the recent PAGB print competition in Blackburn coming a commendable seventh place - we were ahead of Smethwick! This means that the club automatically qualifies for next year’s competition. Congratulations to Irene who won a PAGB Silver Medal with “Misty Poplars.”

Finally, if you don’t receive your own copy of PAGB News then you can read about “Irene Froy - A Life in Photography” through this link http://www.pagbnews.co.uk/sites/default/files/newsletters/en%20217%20extra%205%20Nov%202018%20Irene%20Froy_0.pdf