Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 15/2014-15 24 March 2015

This Friday, Dave Lowe ARPS, DPAGB from Smethwick Photographic Society http://www.smethwickphotographic.co.uk/index.html will judge the third merit print competition.

Friday 3 April is Good Friday and there won’t be a formal presentation that night. However the club room will still be open. Come down and chat amongst friends and maybe ask that question you’ve been meaning to ask but haven’t had time on a normal club night!

Friday 3 April is also the final night when images for the 4th merit pdi competition can be submitted. Full details on image preparation and the link for submitting the images can be found at -
Guide to the online entry system
Link to the online entry system
(or see LINKS & GUIDES tab on this website)

Looking a little further ahead, Friday 17 April is the hand in night for the Landscape Competition. There is just a single class (no separate intermediate and advanced classes) and entries can be made in both the print and pdi sections. The main rule to bear in mind is that entries for this competition cannot have been entered into any previous club competition. If you’re unsure then look at the rules first.

Midphot  http://www.mcpf.co.uk/midphot.html – The Exhibition of Midlands Photography – opens at Smethwick Photographic Society’s club room at 7.30pm on Wednesday 25 March. Awards will be handed out and there will be a presentation of the accepted general and nature pdis. The exhibition runs until Sunday 29 March and on both Saturday and Sunday there are special studio sessions where you can take your camera. Full details of the programme are contained in the link at the beginning of the paragraph.

The RPS Annual International Print Exhibition http://www.rps.org/exhibitions-and-competitions/current-exhibitions/international-print-exhibition-157 is on show at The Shire Hall Gallery in Stafford http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/leisure/museumandgalleries/shirehallgalleries/home.aspx until 10 May. The exhibition is open daily (see previous link for opening times) and admission is free.

Monday 30 March is the closing day for the Apley Farm Shop Photographic Competition. http://apleyfarmshop.co.uk/news/photography-competition/ If anyone has prints they would like to submit then bring them to the club room on Friday night with the completed application form and I’ll deliver them before the closing date.

If anyone has details of photographic opportunities that they would like to share with members then let me know and I’ll publicise them.