At the Chicane by Calvin Downes - 1st (Adv)

Red Squirrel with Itch by Norman O'Neill - 2nd (Adv)

At Her Lessons by Jayne Mapp - 3rd (Adv)

On the Look Out by Andy Brooks - HC (Adv)

Poisoned Beer by Janet Griffiths - HC (Adv)

Green Finch Feasting on Rosehips by Chris Purnell - 1st (Int)

Dolphins by Verity Gray - 2nd (Int)

Langur Monkey by David Prestwood - 3rd (Int)

Christmas Cactus by Tracy Jackson - HC (Int)

Scarlet by Chris Purnell - HC (Int)
2024/25 2nd Merit PDI winning images (1st-HC)
Click on the item of interest below for more information
Wrekin Arts won the ‘Plate’ in the PAGB National Inter-Club Print championships which automatically qualifies us for next years Finals.
The Family have set up a ‘giving’ website for anyone who wishes to remember Irene by a Charity donation.
A Video guide to using WE TRANSFER.
To be used for Calvin’s workshop on 17/3/23 but can be used anytime to send a large file to anyone.
Wrekin Arts did exceptionally well at the recent MCPF Inter-Club PDI championships, coming 2nd overall, 1 point behind the winners, Smethwick.
There was also individual success for Russell Price, picking up a Selector’s medal for ‘Penguins in Sandstorm’ - Well done Russell!
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Judy will be giving us a talk on Photographing People and give us some insights and guidance on how to take successful images of people. Judy will show us the different styles of this genre including, street, candid, studio and portraiture
HAND IN FOR Landscape (PDI) and Nature (PRINT)
Specific rules apply to these two genres. See rules HERE
Landscape - PDIs up to 3 images per entrant
Nature - PRINTS up to 3 per entrant.
Hand in for Mobile competition
All entries must have been taken with a digital mobile device e.g. Phone or tablet, not a Digital Camera.
Up to 3 panels per entrant and 3 Triptychs per entrant.