2016/17 3rd PRINT INTERMEDIATE images (Col & Mono) -
Commended and upwards
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And His Shadow by Ian Griffiths - 1st (Int col)

Reed Tapestry by Peter Hodgkison - 2nd (Int col)

Chrome Cowl by Ian Griffiths - 3rd (Int col)

Heart of the Flower by Ian Griffiths - HC (Int col)

Medlar Fruit Abstract by Sharon Leighton - C (Int col)

Trapped in a Groyne by Peter Hodgkison - C (Int col)

Trapped in a Groyne by Peter Hodgkison - C (Int col)

Watermill Stairway by Gerry Froy - C (Int col)

Windreaper by Dave Roberts - C (Int col)

Windy Day at the Beach by Ian Griffiths - 1st (Int mono)

Shadow on Rock by Ian Griffiths - 2nd (Int mono)

Sea Shore Formation by Peter Hodgkison - 3rd (Int mono)

The Croft Spanish Chestnut Tree by Peter Hodgkison - HC (Int mono)